Digital Library of Hispanic Voices/ Biblioteca Digital de Voces Hispanas

2022, Web Application Tool

Role: UI/ UX Designer

"Biblioteca Digital de Voces Hispanas" was created through an NC State Distance Education and Learning Technology Applications (DELTA) Grant. The web application features example audio from native Spanish speakers, including NC State students, faculty, and staff. Users can navigate the app to hear real formal and informal Spanish dialects, with the goal of better understanding other cultures and diversity among Spanish dialects from varying Spanish-speaking countries.

The website is responsive for both desktop and mobile. Other team members included a developer, instructional designer and an audio tech, as well as collaboration and frequent correspondence with faculty from the Foreign Languages and Literatures in the College of Humanities at NC State University.

To learn more about the website application and how it will serve language learners in an educational setting and beyond, read the featured article below.

Detecting Different Spanish Dialects