Selected Works

Talk to Me

2024, Experimental Short Film

A short film that touches on the phenomena around the belief that plants can feel, hear and respond to different forms of communication. This film explores the theory of plant communication and the inter-connectedness some feel to plant life and it’s sense of place within our world; a world where signs of life are usually attributed to timely motion and auditory responses.


Documentary Photography Series, 35mm film and digital photography

"Tierra" explores the relationships among humans and animals, and the meaning of life and death on a family farm in the Peruvian Amazon. The cattle ranch and family farm is located in the Palcazú district of Peru and has served as a home away from my adopted home in the United States over the last 20 years. My immediate and extended family have close ties to the space, as my mother spends more time at the farm to take care of my grandmother and help with managing the farm. I document everyday life on the farm and river nearby, which continue to provide sustenance and sanctuary to the space and its inhabitants.

Warm Red Tones: Growing Up in the South

Documentary Photography (4x5 film, 35 mm film and digital photography)

A photo series documenting life in the south that highlights what one sees but can easily unsee in North Carolina's rural and suburban landscapes. Whether it's a yard covered in green overgrowth, a random drive-by sighting of teddy bears on electric poles, or an eerie moment during an joyous social gathering, this series is dedicated to capturing the unspoken moments in time that attribute to life in the American South.

Backstage: Ocean Filibuster

Documentary Photography and Video

Promotional backstage video and photo for a Duke Arts performance of Ocean Filibuster. A performance that explores the intimate, critical relationship between humans and the ocean. Set in a future Global Senate, performer Jenn Kidwell embodies two rivals: Mr. Majority– who introduces a bill to end the ocean as we know it–and The Ocean, who arrives in human form to filibuster the bill. Using large-scale projection, music, a locally cast “ocean ensemble” and augmented reality technology, the performance immerses audiences into an epic battle of wits and wills, smarts and sass, facts, and anthropocentric fiction.  

De los Dos Lados


De los Dos Lados is a series of printed barn quilts that focus on the topic of biculturalism and the straddling between two identities (Peruvian and American nationalities). I take inspiration from the push and pull of barn quilt patterns as a way to represent both cultures as a form of abstract expression. Since barn quilts are typically regarded as emblems that represent a homestead, I use them to experiment with the questioning of what really is home, when belonging to different nations, families and social circles. 

Miscellaneous Photography

2010- present, Digital and 35mm film photography


Short film, 2014

Role: Art Direction, Associate Producer

A short film about an adopted ten year old that climbs to the top of an oak tree in hopes of catching his unborn baby brother falling from space. One of the goals with creating this short was to create a very NC-centric story and bring a community together to help tell that story. HARBINGER spanned almost 2 years of pre-production, over 20 days of production, and featured 17 unique locations across the state. The film was run by dedicated volunteers and contributors who donated time, resources, and many weekends to complete the film.


All work © Bren Vienrich-Felling unless otherwise noted.